Arts, Architecture & Applied Arts
Business & Economics
Access World News (NewsBank)
A digital magazine and journal platform offering over 80 titles.
AtoZ World Food
The world's largest collection of international recipes, and global food culture information.
A digital magazine and journal platform offering over 80 titles.
Gale General OneFile
Periodical resource with millions of articles; most content is full-text. Includes reference, newspaper, and audio content.
ProQuest Publicly Available Content Database
Brings together, or links to, full-text for over 4,500 publicly available scholarly content from a number of different international sources.
Elementary (Gale in Context)
Resource for young learners. Over 16,600 indexed images, 600 videos, and 1,700 charts and graphs, plus eBooks from Gale.
Gale eBooks
Access to thousands of streaming movies, TV shows, and music titles, audiobooks, eBooks, comics, and electronic magazines. Use of an Estacado Library Information Network (ELIN) library card, and a valid email address is required. Registration for a FREE ELIN consortium library card is available at the NMJC Pannell Library circulation desk for NMJC affiliated patrons and Lea County residents.
Recursos Para Hispanohablantes
Herramientas de aprendizaje, carrera y ciudadanía en Español. Mejore sus habilidades escritas, orales y gramaticales, sea mejor lector, desarrolle sus habilidades matemáticas, prepárese para el examen de GED® y sea ciudadano estadounidense.
Gender Studies
Exploring Race in Society
Background information on topics related to race, ethnicity, diversity, and inclusiveness. Also includes a collection of points of view essays offering solutions to issues related to race.
A digital magazine and journal platform offering over 80 titles.
Academic Search Ultimate
A multidisciplinary resource offering more than 8,500 sources.
Access World News (NewsBank)
America's News Magazines
Over 40 vetted electronic news magazine titles addressing a myriad of national and general interest topics.
AtoZ World Food
The world's largest collection of international recipes, and global food culture information.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
A community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to over 19,000 high-quality, open access, full-text, peer-reviewed journal.
EBSCO Discovery Service | New Mexico Junior College
An all-inclusive search platform for all EBSCO information resources.
Elementary (Gale in Context)
Resource for young learners. Over 16,600 indexed images, 600 videos, and 1,700 charts and graphs, plus eBooks from Gale.
El Portal Resources (New Mexico State Library)
Databases and other electronic resources from New Mexico State Library's El Portal.
Estacado Library Information Network (ELIN) Resources
Database resources from the Estacado Library Information Network (ELIN). A current ELIN system library card is required for off-campus access.
Exploring Race in Society
Background information on topics related to race, ethnicity, diversity, and inclusiveness. Also includes a collection of points of view essays offering solutions to issues related to race.
Films on Demand - Archival Films & Newsreels
Archival and historical films from multiple sources. Includes public events, wars, cultural phenomena, speeches, and government programs.
Films on Demand - Master Academic Package
Over 38,000 essential video titles addressing many fields of study.
FirstSearch - OCLC
A search engine for content held in worldwide library collections.
A digital magazine and journal platform offering over 80 titles.
Gale eBooks
Gale General OneFile
Periodical resource with millions of articles; most content is full-text. Includes reference, newspaper, and audio content.
Gale General OneFile
Periodical resource with millions of articles; most content is full-text. Includes reference, newspaper, and audio content.
Gale Power Search
A search index platform for queries across all Gale database resources.
High School Edition (Gale OneFile)
Provides access to age-appropriate, authoritative digital content for classroom assignments.
Access to thousands of streaming movies, TV shows, and music titles, audiobooks, eBooks, comics, and electronic magazines. Use of an Estacado Library Information Network (ELIN) library card, and a valid email address is required. Registration for a FREE ELIN consortium library card is available at the NMJC Pannell Library circulation desk for NMJC affiliated patrons and Lea County residents.
Hospitality and Tourism (Gale OneFile)
Informe Academico (Academic Report)
Periódicos y revistas académicas de texto completo en español y portugués, tanto de América Latina como sobre ella. Full-text Spanish and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines both from, and about, Latin America.
Issues & Controversies
Research information for thought-provoking debates; articles present both sides of crucial issues without bias. An ideal resource for research papers, debate preparation, and persuasive writing assignments.
Films on Demand - Archival Films & Newsreels
Archival and historical films from multiple sources. Includes public events, wars, cultural phenomena, speeches, and government programs.
A digital magazine and journal platform offering over 80 titles.
Journalism & Communications
Access World News (NewsBank)
Writer's Reference Shelf
A word and phrase reference portal from the Infobase Writer's Reference Center.
Academic Search Ultimate
A multidisciplinary resource offering more than 8,500 sources.
America's News Magazines
Over 40 vetted electronic news magazine titles addressing a myriad of national and general interest topics.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
A community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to over 19,000 high-quality, open access, full-text, peer-reviewed journal.
EBSCO Discovery Service | New Mexico Junior College
An all-inclusive search platform for all EBSCO information resources.
Elementary (Gale in Context)
Resource for young learners. Over 16,600 indexed images, 600 videos, and 1,700 charts and graphs, plus eBooks from Gale.
El Portal Resources (New Mexico State Library)
Databases and other electronic resources from New Mexico State Library's El Portal.
Estacado Library Information Network (ELIN) Resources
Database resources from the Estacado Library Information Network (ELIN). A current ELIN system library card is required for off-campus access.
Films on Demand - Archival Films & Newsreels
Archival and historical films from multiple sources. Includes public events, wars, cultural phenomena, speeches, and government programs.
Films on Demand - Master Academic Package
Over 38,000 essential video titles addressing many fields of study.
A digital magazine and journal platform offering over 80 titles.
Gale eBooks
Gale Power Search
A search index platform for queries across all Gale database resources.
Informe Academico (Academic Report)
Periódicos y revistas académicas de texto completo en español y portugués, tanto de América Latina como sobre ella. Full-text Spanish and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines both from, and about, Latin America.
Issues & Controversies
Research information for thought-provoking debates; articles present both sides of crucial issues without bias. An ideal resource for research papers, debate preparation, and persuasive writing assignments.
Over 30,000 feature films, documentaries, foreign films, and more.
New York Times
Access to The New York Times Digital Edition for NMJC students, faculty, and staff. Content is delivered in English, Spanish, and Chinese. Registration with an NMJC email account required.
Popular Magazines (Gale OneFile)
Access to the most searched magazines In Gale OneFile; includes academic journals. Selected titles are based on publication searches performed by library patrons.
ProQuest Publicly Available Content Database
Brings together, or links to, full-text for over 4,500 publicly available scholarly content from a number of different international sources.
Resource Guides
A collection of subject and course guides to assist with access to subject-specific print and electronic resources.
America's News Magazines
Over 40 vetted electronic news magazine titles addressing a myriad of national and general interest topics.
A digital magazine and journal platform offering over 80 titles.
New York Times
Access to The New York Times Digital Edition for NMJC students, faculty, and staff. Content is delivered in English, Spanish, and Chinese. Registration with an NMJC email account required.
Access World News (NewsBank)
Issues & Controversies
Research information for thought-provoking debates; articles present both sides of crucial issues without bias. An ideal resource for research papers, debate preparation, and persuasive writing assignments.
Academic Search Ultimate
A multidisciplinary resource offering more than 8,500 sources.
Writer's Reference Shelf
A word and phrase reference portal from the Infobase Writer's Reference Center.
A digital magazine and journal platform offering over 80 titles.
Exploring Race in Society
Background information on topics related to race, ethnicity, diversity, and inclusiveness. Also includes a collection of points of view essays offering solutions to issues related to race.
Spanish Language/Lengua Española
Informe Academico (Academic Report)
Periódicos y revistas académicas de texto completo en español y portugués, tanto de América Latina como sobre ella. Full-text Spanish and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines both from, and about, Latin America.
Recursos Para Hispanohablantes
Herramientas de aprendizaje, carrera y ciudadanía en Español. Mejore sus habilidades escritas, orales y gramaticales, sea mejor lector, desarrolle sus habilidades matemáticas, prepárese para el examen de GED® y sea ciudadano estadounidense.
Streaming Video
Films on Demand - Archival Films & Newsreels
Archival and historical films from multiple sources. Includes public events, wars, cultural phenomena, speeches, and government programs.
Films on Demand - Master Academic Package
Over 38,000 essential video titles addressing many fields of study.
Access to thousands of streaming movies, TV shows, and music titles, audiobooks, eBooks, comics, and electronic magazines. Use of an Estacado Library Information Network (ELIN) library card, and a valid email address is required. Registration for a FREE ELIN consortium library card is available at the NMJC Pannell Library circulation desk for NMJC affiliated patrons and Lea County residents.
Over 30,000 feature films, documentaries, foreign films, and more.
Swank Digital Campus Streaming Video Collection
An academic streaming video collection offering feature films, documentaries, international films, and TV shows. Includes an acquisition request portal for faculty.
Study Guides/Test Preparation
Recursos Para Hispanohablantes
Herramientas de aprendizaje, carrera y ciudadanía en Español. Mejore sus habilidades escritas, orales y gramaticales, sea mejor lector, desarrolle sus habilidades matemáticas, prepárese para el examen de GED® y sea ciudadano estadounidense.
Vocation & Careers
Hospitality and Tourism (Gale OneFile)
Writer's Reference Shelf
A word and phrase reference portal from the Infobase Writer's Reference Center.